Selection Of Newspaper Articles, Radio, Television, Internet: Our Press Review Gathers And Confronte Articles, Points Of View, Reviews, Photos And News From The French And World Press. Definition And Example Here. Press Bonus : Press Kit Jean-Christian Michel On The Billboard
"The first official rankings of best recordings sales in France date from 1968 when the" national charts "were launched by the Center for Information and Documentation of Record (CIDD). This musical classification broadcast first monthly then every two weeks. CIDD was maintained until 1977 (Wikipedia). FRANCE SOIR CIDD HIT PARADE
JEAN-CHRISTIAN MICHEL IN THE FIRST THREE PLACES OF THE 33 RPM VARIETIES. (translated from french). Best sales of french varieties 33 RPM It is the 30 cm. variety that we give the spotlight today in this official classification of the sales of discs established by the disc information center and published by "France Soir" exclusively. The 33 rpm LPs form an aristocracy of success and it is not without reason that the "case" of recent months, the event of the Jean-Christian Michel season is cited there 3 times : in the 1st, in the 2nd , and in 3rd place. The young Aix surgeon,clarinetist composer who has just made Sacred Music a special product of big consumption, continues over the course of his numerous concerts exclusively given in churches to cause a craze which is reflected in his record sales. RECORD RETAILER (INTERNATIONAL) New music craze sweeping France
"A strange music phenomenon is sweeping across France. And the man at the top of the new craze is Jean-Christian Michel who plays the clarinet. But the twist is that he only performs in churches although there is no apparent religious connotation to his performances... And he is now one of France's major disc acts. His first album "Requiem" on the Riviera label is currently at the top of the french bestselling albums chart while his second "Aranjuez" has just enterted the chart... JEAN-CHRISTIAN MICHEL N°1 ... BEFORE THE BEATLES !
Michel to get int'l sendoff by Barclay ..."And the phenomenal Jean-Christian Michel who has had as many as three records in the top ten at one time" Billboard is well known for its music charts, including the Billboard Hot 100 and Billboard 200, tracking the most popular singles and albums in different genres. Founded in 1894, Billboard is the worldwide media authority.
"This year MICHEL is booked for church performances in Brussels, Genoa and Cologne, and in March will make a week of appearences in Paris... On this occasion CED will invite teams from London's BBC and ITV to see him perform"... ( ... one page) BILLBOARD MUSIC AWARDS JEAN-CHRISTIAN MICHEL ON THE "BILLBOARD MUSIC AWARDS" DURING YEARS (A lot of articles during about seven years, often of a whole page)
The Billboard Music Award is an honor given by Billboard, a publication and music popularity chart covering the whole music business. The Billboard Music Awards show had been held annually since 1989 in December until it went dormant in 2006. The awards returned in 2011 and is held annually in May. Wikipedia
JEAN-CHRISTIAN MICHEL IN GERMANY, UNITED KINGDOM, BELGIUM, SWEDEN, NETHERLANDS Jean-Christian Michel ist ein französischer Komponist und Klarinettist, ein großer Vorläufer der Annäherung von Jazz und klassischer Musik. Michel ist erst nach seiner Ausbildung zum Chirurgen 1970 öffentlich aufgetreten. Er ist von der Kirchenmusik von Johann Sebastian Bach und vom anspruchsvollen europäischen Jazz inspiriert. Er spielt seine Kompositionen und Adaptionen auf der Klarinette. Jean-Christian Michel hat sich immer mit kompetenten Jazzmusikern wie Kenny Clarke umgeben, der mit ihm 10 Jahre lang spielte. Weiterhin ist er mit dem Drummer Daniel Humair und den Bassisten Guy Pedersen bzw. Henri Texier aufgetreten. Jean-Christian Michel wurde 1986 in Paris der Preis "Sciences et Culture" ("Wissenschaften und Kultur") von der Sorbonne verliehen. Die Jury bestand aus sechs Nobelpreisträgern. MTV / AKTUEL Jean-Christian Michel : Musik, das ist wie Leben, Liebe, Tod Der französische Chirurg schuf die "Musique Sacrée" und wurde damit zum Schallplatten-millionar und gefragten Konzert-Musiker. Jetzt gastierte er in de Deutschland...
Jean-Christian Michel : Chirurg musiziert in der Kirche
Bach à la Michel ging mehr unter die Haut als ehrfurchtsgetränkte Originale. "J.-S. Bach hätte sicher gefallen..." Jean-Christian Michel bot uns einen Abend voller Schwung und Dynamik, der nicht nur bei jungen Zuhörern für Aufsehen sorgte, sondern auch Vertreter einer älteren Generation begeisterte. Noch nie hatte die prall gefüllte Kirche während der "Bach tage" einen solchen Triumph erlebt ". Applaus, der nicht enden wollte, prasselte laut auf. Die Fans forderten Zugabe um Zugabe... Es war ein Event zu Ehren Bach, ganz außergewöhnlich, elektrisierend und spannend... Ob Arrangements oder phantasievolle Eigenwerke, Michel geht mit Musik mit unendlicher Sensibilität um. J.-S. Bach hätte sicher gefallen..." "Jean-Christian Michel brought us an evening of élan and dynamism, which not only excited the younger members of the audience, but also delighted the representatives of the older generation. The packed church had never known such a triumph during " BACH Tage ". "The unending applause threatened to raise the roof. The amazed audience demanded encore after encore... It was a demonstration in honour of BACH, completely extraordinary, electrifying and fascinating.... Whether it was arrangements of BACH or MICHEL's own works overflowing with imagination, the clarinetist treats the music with an infinite sensibility. J.-S. Bach would certainly have loved it... "
But MICHEL is also the composer of the "Vision d'Ezéchiel", an incredible musical intensity, during which, the audience can not refrain from keeping time The deafening applause was unending in God's house. The spectators demanded encore after encore by cheering and by stamping their feet and clapping their hands in rhythm : MICHEL and his performers complied with a good and cheerful grace in spite of the obvious fatigue. Such brilliance explains the fascination exercised by Jean-Christian Michel on his public NOT THE LONDON NEWS REWIEW Jean-Christian Michel : my interest piqued. I gave my brother a strangely annotated French LP for Christmas, covered in Baudelaire quotes. The artist: Jean-Christian Michel."At the age of ten, he who would later become a gynaecological surgeon chose the clarinet whilst undertaking a classical education at the conservatoire. It led him first towards Jazz with "all the expressiveness, which takes the audience by the guts and its swing with which it is so interesting to play". klarinettist Jean-Christian in Amsterdam : "God op de hitparade" !
Dat concert Jean-Christian Michel heeft een enorme indruk op mij gemaakt, en zijn muziek doet dat, soms onverwacht, nog steeds. ILLUSTRATED EVENING (Brussels) "Music of Light" by Jean-Christian Michel : "the most original album of the year, which will not leave many people indifferent." Die Musik von Jean-Christian Michel entgeht irgendeiner Definition : man hört es, und man wird damit getränkt. Sie ist Zauberei, sonores Licht. Sie spricht über den Ursprung und über die Unendlichkeit... AROUND THE WORLD